About Palestine DeepDive

We believe that controversy deserves context and that cacophony demands curation. Here at Palestine DeepDive, we seek to provide an overview of one of the world’s most politically incendiary regions. 

Our curators provide a fair and balanced overview of recent news and current affairs analysis from Israel and Palestine. 

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We will never be espousing a particular political position, preferring instead to present as neutral a take as possible. 

By engaging with articles from a wide range of sources, we hope that our readers will be able to come across new angles and new voices.

Our team of experienced editors have worked with and been published by leading media brands across the globe. We are a privately funded organisation.

If you have any questions or queries then please feel free to send an email to palestinedeepdive@gmail.com

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The key stories from the Israel-Palestine conflict and peace process


Everyday, we will look to bring you the most important stories concerning Israel and Palestine.